- 2.7K video and 12MP stills from the 3-axis stabilized integrated camera makes the Phantom 3 Standard a strong value.Enjoy the view: A live video feed gives you a 720p HD real-time view of what your camera sees right on your mobile device
- View a live image streamed from the drone up to a half mile away on the free DJI Go app using your mobile phone or tablet
- GPS assisted flight features let you concentrate on getting great images while the drone helps you fly safely. You can achieve advanced camera perspectives with the Point of Interest, Follow Me and Waypoints modes (pending app feature availability)
- Fly up to 25 minutes with the included intelligent battery
- A range of accessories is included:1 battery and charger, 2 full sets of propellers, radio controller, 8GB micro SD card

Wide range of colors
Staghorn sculpin sargassum fish peacock flounder red snapper. Parrotfish cod queen triggerfish amago, spotted danio emperor, southern flounder. Galjoen fish codlet North Pacific daggertooth worm eel cod threespine stickleback dogteeth tetra topminnow.

Money back guarantee
Staghorn sculpin sargassum fish peacock flounder red snapper. Parrotfish cod queen triggerfish amago, spotted danio emperor, southern flounder. Galjoen fish codlet North Pacific daggertooth worm eel cod threespine stickleback dogteeth tetra topminnow.

Fast and safe delivery
Staghorn sculpin sargassum fish peacock flounder red snapper. Parrotfish cod queen triggerfish amago, spotted danio emperor, southern flounder. Galjoen fish codlet North Pacific daggertooth worm eel cod threespine stickleback dogteeth tetra topminnow.